11 - Trays and Memories


The Tray menu is primarily used when color grading. As mentioned before there are two types of trays: Project Trays - containing references to shots in the current projects and Gallery Trays - containing pure grade settings with no reference to any source media other than a proxy image. You switch between the two Tray types using the corresponding tabs in the top left side of the Trays menu. Note that you can resize the Trays menu as a whole using the gripper on the Player's main menu bar.

tray menu


Most of the functionality of the Trays is available from the Tray toolbar.

tray menu


Toggle display of proxy images between small and large.


Toggle display of tray items as one row per gallery versus wrapping items over multiple rows.


Switch Trays into edit mode which allows you to edit the tray names by clicking the name label, remove a tray by clicking the bin icon or change the name of a tray item by clicking the item and typing in a new name.

tray menu

By default SCRATCH will use the name of the current shot for naming a new gallery item. However, in the Player Configuration Settings dialog you can set a Gallery Name-mask. In this mask you can use any of the #codes as described in Chapter 4 - the Construct in the paragraphs on outputs (render-mask), or in the various search and match masks for the Media Browser. When e.g. settings a mask to something like #reelid_#scene, SCRATCH will automatically use the reel-id and scene metadata properties of the current shot to create a name for a new gallery item, e.g.: C002_T04.


Switch the trays into Preview mode. While in this mode - selecting a tray item causes its grade to be applied to the current shot in the Player. The grade is only applied temporarily. When selecting another item or navigating to another shot in the Player will revert the grade. This allows you to quickly preview a series of grades on the current shot. Note that the grade is applied according to the current Paste settings.

5. ADD

There are multiple Add options - using the drop down arrow next to the Add button. Clicking the Add button itself triggers the default option.

Add Copy (default)

In case of a Project Tray - create a copy of the current shot in the Viewport and add it to the tray (use the current Paste settings). In case of a Gallery Tray add a new item including the full grade. Note that you can not add shots to the Project timeline Tray.


Similar to the Add Copy function but popup the Paste dialog first to set what parts of the grade you want included.

Add Shot Ref

Project Trays only. Add the current shot as a reference shot within the Tray. The entire shot will be added as a live link in the Tray.

Add Frame Ref

Project Trays only. Create a copy of the current shot. This will NOT be a live link and with a Frame Reference no animation data is saved. It is a snapshot of the current values only.

Add Group

Add a new Tray to either the Project- or Gallery Trays. The new tray is automatically selected in Edit mode.


The Apply option has two variants when using the drop down arrow next to it: Apply and Apply+. The default Apply copies the grade of the current selected Tray item to the current shot in the Viewport, using the current Paste settings from the Paste popup. The Apply+ option explicitly shows the Paste settings popup before applying the grade.


Remote the current selected tray item: It this is a gallery item this is permanently removed. If this is a Project tray 0 reference item, this is only removed from the tray. The shot remains in the project. Note that you can not remove items from the Project Timeline Tray.


The Trim button will apply the current Trim grade (see the section on the Trim buffer discussed in paragraph on Generic Matrix Tools) to all shots in the current Tray. This is a quick way of making equal adjustments to all shots in a Tray. Make the necessary adjustment to one of the shots in the tray and then click the Trim Tray Colors button and that adjustment will be applied to all shots in the Tray.


The Copy option has two variants when using the drop down arrow next to it: Copy and Copy+. The default Copy will copy the grade of the current shot in the Viewport to all selected tray items, using the current Paste settings from the Paste popup.  The Copy+ option explicitly shows the Paste settings popup before applying the grade.

10. MISC

The Miscellaneous option menu has the following sub elements


Sort the items of the current selected tray according to name or timecode. Only available with Projects Trays. Gallery tray items are stored as individual jpg files in a user folder - outside the project database. As such, they are always sorted by name.

Video Wall

Create a Video Wall node based on the tray selection. If multiple shots are selected in a Project Tray a video Wall is created from those shots. If a single shot is selected in a Video Wall, SCRATCH will take that and the next 15 shots in that Tray to create a video wall. The same applies to a Gallery Tray, however for inputs of the Video Wall SCRATCH will take multiple instances of the current shot in the Player with each instance having one of the gallery grades applied.



Besides using the Tray toolbar functions to manage Trays and apply grades you can also use drag and drop:

  • drag / drop tray items from one tray to the next.
  • drag / drop tray items into the Viewport to apply a grade: Depending on the type of grade and whether a Layer is selected in the Viewport, the grade is applied on the primaries or as a new Layer.
  • drag / drop tray items to the Proxy timeline to grade Timeline shots. When holding down the Control key when dropping on a Timeline Proxy - the Tray item remains attached to the pen and can be dropped on another item.
  • drag / drop items to the Memory floating panel to add memory grades. You can drag / drop multiple items at once to quickly replace your Memory grades.


When holding down the shift key and dragging the pen over multiple tray items you can extend the selection. Alternatively you can use the Control key and clicking items to extend the selection. Note that when multiple items are selected the Apply function will only use the first item in the selection.


The Tray menu has a single vertical scroll-bar if the number of trays exceed what fits on the menu. When in non-wrapping mode - each tray in turn will have a horizontal scrollbar if the number of tray items exceed what first in the menu. You can however also pan the Tray menu as a whole by holding down the spacebar and dragging the trays in any direction with your pen.


Tightly linked to the Gallery Trays are the Memories; a cache to hold up to 8 grades - available at all times from the floating Memories panel and fully controllable from a control surface. The Memory panel is available from the corresponding button in the Viewport top toolbar.

tray menu


To add a grade into a memory bank:

  • Shift + click the specific memory bank - this will add the grade of the current shot in the Viewport.
  • Drag drop one or more gallery or shot items onto the memory bank. Note that the Memory does NOT hold shot references / a live link to the shot.


To apply a grade from a memory bank to the current shot in the Viewport, simply click it or use the mapping on your surface panel. The grade is applied using the current Paste settings in the Paste dialog.

Posted - Saturday, July 27, 2024 9:59:37 AM