Perform a Clean Installation of SCRATCH MAC Edition

Occassionally it may be necessary to perform a clean installation of the SCRATCH software.
This can be done without losing any User or Project settings by following these simple steps:

1. Exit out of SCRATCH.

2. Create a new folder called BACKUP in a convenient location.

3. COPY the following folder into the BACKUP folder:
- \Root\Library\Application Support\Assimilator
Note: Be sure you COPY the folder. Do not MOVE the folders or the following steps will not work.

4. Once the Assimilator folder has been backed up, DELETE the following folder:
    - \Root\Library\Application Support\Assimilator

5. Reboot the system.

6. Install SCRATCH.


8. Copy/Paste the SCRATCH license key from the licensing email you received during the initial setup to the license activation window at the Start Up screen. Then Activate.


10. Copy any customized folders and files [such as User or Project folders, PConfig.xml files etc.] from the BACKUP to the corresponding folder in the new installation.

This will give you a fresh installation of SCRATCH while keeping all of your current work intact.

Posted - Wednesday, May 8, 2024 11:46:15 AM